The next step is to configure the LLP Listener source component:
Source: LLP Listener
In the Port field, specify the port you want to listen on for LLP-encoded HL7 messages.
You can use any port you want, provided it is not being used by another application.
This tutorial example uses port 6789.
Leave the other fields in this section unchanged. For more information about these fields,
see LLP Listener.
Click the Add Channel button to add the channel to the Iguana dashboard.
Click the Export Database Tables link. This scrolls to the Export Database Tables
Select the Channel Log Tables and Destination Data Tables check boxes.
Click Export Tables. Iguana exports the tables to the applicable database API.
Exporting the Database Tables
At this point, Iguana provides a preview of the SQL statements that it will use to create
the necessary tables. Click Confirm Table Export to confirm that you want to export
these tables.