LogQuery | Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the LogQuery class. |
After | Specifies the starting timestamp for the search. (Optional) |
Before | Specifies the ending timestamp for the search. (Optional) |
ChannelName | Restricts search results to specified channel. (Optional) |
Container (inherited from Component) | |
Encrypt | Specifies that Iguana server is configured to use HTTPS mode. |
Filter | Restricts search results to log entries that contain specified text pattern in the message contents. (Optional) |
Host | Specifies the hostname or IP address of the Iguana server. |
IncludeAckMessages | Include log entries of Type "Ack" (HL7 acknowledgement) in the query results. |
IncludeDebugMessages | Include log entries of Type "Debug" (debug events) in the query results. |
IncludeDeleted | Include log entries that are deleted in the query results. A log message can be deleted through Iguana dashboard by an administrator. |
IncludeErrorMessages | Include log entries of Type "Error" (both marked and unmarked) in the query results. |
IncludeInfoMessages | Include log entries of Type "Info" (info events) in the query results. |
IncludeMarkedErrorMessages | Include log entries of Type "Error" that are marked in the query results. An error can be marked (acknowledged) through Iguana dashboard by an administrator. |
IncludeMessageMessages | Include log entries of Type "Message" (HL7 data message) in the query results. |
IncludeNonDeleted | Include log entries that are not deleted in the query results. |
IncludeSourceLogs | Indicates that messages associated with the source channel should be included. |
IncludeSuccessMessages | Include log entries of Type "Success" (success events) in the query results. |
IncludeUnmarkedErrorMessages | Include log entries of Type "Error" that are not marked in the query results. |
IncludeWarningMessages | Include log entries of Type "Warning" (warning events) in the query results. |
MessageLogId | If this field is set, the message with specified Message Id as well as messages related to it are returned. When this field is set, the other search constraints (Filter, ChannelName, IncludeMessageMessages, IncludeAckMessages, etc) are ignored. |
Password | Specifies the password which should be used to authenticate with the Iguana server. |
Port | Specifies the port number which is used to access the Iguana server's HTTP/HTTPS interface. |
Site (inherited from Component) | |
Username | Specifies the username which should be used to authenticate with the Iguana server. |
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
Dispose (inherited from Component) | Overloaded. |
Equals (inherited from Object) | |
Execute | Perform a query on the configured Iguana server. Note that this method will block while the query is performed. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | |
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
handle | Get handle. This is used in the internal implementation and should not be invoked directly. |
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
ToString (inherited from Component) |
Disposed (inherited from Component) |
DesignMode (inherited from Component) | |
Events (inherited from Component) |
Dispose | Overloaded. Clean up any resources being used. |
Finalize | Destructor. |
GetService (inherited from Component) | |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) |