Chameleon and Iguana Plugin C# Class Libraries

LogMessage Members

LogMessage overview

Public Instance Constructors

LogMessage Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the LogMessage class.

Public Instance Properties

ChannelName Provides the name of the source channel associated with the message, or an empty string if the message is not associated with a specific channel.
Content Provides the full body of the message.
Deleted This flag is set if the message has been deleted through Iguana dashboard by an administrator.
IsResubmission This flag is set if this message is a re-submission of an earlier message. (Only applicable to message Type Message)
MarkedError This flag is set if this error has been marked (acknowledged) through Iguana dashboard by an administrator. (Only applicable to message type Error)
MessageLogId Provides the ID that is used to uniquely identify this message. This ID can be used to query related messages.
MessageType Provides the type of this message (Message/Ack/Success/Warning/Error/Info/Debug)
Milliseconds Provides the number of milliseconds (0-999) associated with the TimeStamp property.
ReferenceLogId Provides the ID of the parent of this message. It will be empty if there is no parent.
Resubmitted This flag is set if this message is the original of a separate resubmitted message. (Only applicable to message Type Message)
TimeStamp Provides a timestamp of the message with second precision. Milliseconds are available via the Milliseconds property.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
handle Get handle. This is used in the internal implementation and should not be invoked directly.
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Destructor.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

LogMessage Class | iNTERFACEWARE.Iguana.Plugin Namespace