Chameleon and Iguana Plugin C# Class Libraries

DestinationMessageReceivedEventOutputs Members

DestinationMessageReceivedEventOutputs overview

Public Instance Constructors

DestinationMessageReceivedEventOutputs Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the DestinationMessageReceivedEventOutputs class.

Public Instance Properties

MessageProcessedFlag Indicates to Iguana whether or not the message was processed by the plugin.
ResendMessageDelay Specifies the delay time in milliseconds that Iguana should wait before resending the message.
ResendMessageFlag Requests that Iguana resend the message.
StopChannelErrorFlag When combined with StopChannelFlag, requests that Iguana stop the channel with the channel status set to 'error'.
StopChannelFlag Requests that Iguana stop the channel to which the plugin is connected.
StopChannelReason Describes the reason for the 'stop channel' request.

Public Instance Methods

AddDebugLogMessage Adds a debug log message to Iguana's logs.
AddErrorLogMessage Adds an error log message to Iguana's logs.
AddInfoLogMessage Adds an info log message to Iguana's logs.
AddWarningLogMessage Adds a warning log message to Iguana's logs.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
handle Get handle. This is used in the internal implementation and should not be invoked directly.
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Destructor.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

DestinationMessageReceivedEventOutputs Class | iNTERFACEWARE.Iguana.Plugin Namespace