An NDoc Documented Class Library

MessageReceivedResponse Members

MessageReceivedResponse overview

Public Instance Constructors

MessageReceivedResponse Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the MessageReceivedResponse class.

Public Instance Properties

MessageProcessed When set to true, this indicates to Iguana that the message was processed successfully. When set to false, this indicates to Iguana that there was an error while processing the message.
ResendMessage Requests that Iguana resend the message. If StopChannel is requested, the message will be resent only after the channel has been stopped and subsequently restarted. If StopChannel is not requested, the message will be sent after a delay specified by ResendMessageDelay.
ResendMessageDelay Specifies the minimum time delay, in milliseconds, Iguana should wait before resending the message. Only applicable if ResendMessage is set, and StopChannel is not set.
StopChannel Requests that Iguana stop the channel.
StopChannelErrorFlag Requests that Iguana stop the channel with the error flag set. Only applicable if StopChannel is also set.
StopChannelReason Describes the reason for the 'stop channel' request. Only applicable if StopChannel is also set.

Public Instance Methods

addLogMessage Adds a log message to the Iguana logs.
AddLogValue Add a name-value pair to the logs. This will be inserted by Iguana into the logging system once message processing is complete.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
logValue Get the log value associated with a log key. LogValue will hold the value tied to LogKey. If no value is found LogValue will be "".
RemoveLogValue Remove a name-value pair from the logs.
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Destructor.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

MessageReceivedResponse Class | iNTERFACEWARE.IGC Namespace