An NDoc Documented Class Library

MessageProcessor Members

MessageProcessor overview

Public Static Methods

isDisconnectByError Test for disconnect due to an error.
isDisconnectByIguana Test for disconnect by Iguana.
isDisconnectByPlugin Test for disconnect by plugin.

Public Instance Constructors

MessageProcessor Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the MessageProcessor class.

Public Instance Properties

ConnectTimeout Timeout period, in milliseconds, that the connect method will wait in an attempt to connect to Iguana. The default value should suffice for most situations, and should only be modified if connect timeouts are observed.

Public Instance Methods

connectOverloaded. Connect to Iguana using a TCP/IP hostname, port number, channel name and channel component type (either 'source' or 'destination'). Note that when Iguana is configured to start the plugin executable, it can be configured to automatically provide appropriate parameters for the connect call using the following executable parameter macros: $hostname$ $port$ $channel$ $component$.
disconnect Disconnect from Iguana.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
setDebugFileName Sets a file name for debugging internal run-time information. The file path supplied must be valid. The log file has a maximum size of 1 MB. When the file reaches 1 MB in size it is moved to FileName.old and a new file is created. Setting the file name to an empty string will disable debug logging. This function is not thread safe, and should only be called before calling connect on the instance. This should be only used for support purposes to provide debug information to the development team at iNTERFACEWARE.
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Public Instance Events

OnDisconnect This event is dispatched when the connection with Iguana is closed. The general reason for the disconnection is provided in the ReasonFlags, while additional details may be provided in the ReasonDescription. Note that exceptions can never be thrown out of this handler. Any exceptions thrown will result in the client executable aborting. It is recommended that logging or the handling of exceptions is performed in the handler.
OnMessageReceived This event is dispatched when Iguana has received a message. Note that exceptions can never be thrown out of this handler. Any exceptions thrown will result in the client executable aborting. It is recommended that logging or the handling of exceptions is performed in the handler.
OnMessageRequest This event is dispatched when Iguana is polling for a generated message. Note that exceptions can never be thrown out of this handler. Any exceptions thrown will result in the client executable aborting. It is recommended that logging or the handling of exceptions is performed in the handler.
OnMessageRequestCompleted Once a message request is completed, this event is received. This indicates to the client that any transactions started by the request of the message can be committed. MessageSucceeded indicates if the message was logged as a success or error. The received Plugin Message ID indicates that the message was processed. If the message was processed in error by Iguana, this event is not received. As a result, when the next message request is received, the previous message generation operations should be rolled back. Note that exceptions can never be thrown out of this handler. Any exceptions thrown will result in the client executable aborting. It is recommended that logging or the handling of exceptions is performed in the handler.
OnMessageResubmitPreview This event is dispatched when Iguana is attempting to resubmit a previously processed message. Not supported in Iguana 4.0.
OnShutdownRequestObsolete. This event has been superseded by the OnDisconnect event, and is retained only for backwards compatibility with existing plugins. New or updated plugins should use OnDisconnect instead. This event is dispatched when the connection with Iguana is closed for any reason other than the plugin calling disconnect (or destroying the message processor object). Typically, this event is received when the Iguana channel is stopping, however, it may also be received upon disconnection due to network failures or other error conditions. Note that exceptions can never be thrown out of this handler. Any exceptions thrown will result in the client executable aborting. It is recommended that logging or the handling of exceptions is performed in the handler.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Destructor.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

MessageProcessor Class | iNTERFACEWARE.IGC Namespace